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Announcement of the Beijing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation and the Beijing Local Taxation Bureau on Opening the Standard Data Interface for Financial and AccountingStatements


To implement the State Council’s decision on deepening the reform of “streamlining administration, delegating powers, improving regulation and services”, and to improve the capital’s business environment in terms of taxation, the Beijing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation formulated the Standard Data Interface List v1.0.00 for Financial and Accounting Statements (hereinafter referred to as “the Interface List”). It enables taxpayers to convert their financial and accounting statements to formats acceptable to the tax authorities, thus giving them greater convenience in handling tax-related matters. We hereby make the following announcements:
    Announcement of the Beijing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation and the Beijing Local Taxation Bureau on Opening the Standard Data Interface for Financial and Accounting Statements
    1. Taxpayers may use the Interface List to voluntarily convert their organization’s financial and accounting statements to formats acceptable to tax authorities.
    2. Taxpayers may choose to submit their financial and accounting statements in the existing hand-written form or the converted form.
    3. Financial and accounting statements submitted in the interface-converted form shall be accepted by the Beijing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation; Beijing Local Taxation Bureau shall obtain relevant information from the back-end data sharing system it has with the SAT Beijing Office.
    4. The Interface List can be downloaded from the official website of the Beijing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation (www.bjsat.gov.cn).
    5. This announcement shall enter into force on the same day of its issuance.


                                                                           Beijing Municipal Office ofthe State Administration of Taxation
                                                                                                             Beijing Local Taxation Bureau
                                                                                                                             April 2, 2018

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