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Circular of Beijing Housing Provident Fund Management Center on Strengthening the Training and Publicity ofHousing Provident Fund Policy


Jingfanggongjijinfa[2018] No.15

Relevant authorities:
    We would like to notify you the following items in order to complete the ‘full coverage’ training of staff and implement the work requirements of the Municipal Government on further improving business environment, providing better services to enterprises paying monthly deposit to the housing provident fund and solving the ‘last mile’ problem of policy implementation.
    1.Proportion of Monthly Deposits to the Housing Provident Fund by Enterprises
    Enterprises shall deposit 5% to 12% of employees’ income to the housing provident fund with the exact percentage suiting their conditions.
    2.Procedures for Opening Accounts and Paying Deposits by Employers
    Staff affiliated to Beijing Housing Provident Fund Management Center (hereinafter referred to as the Management Center) shall handle registration, account opening, remittance and payment in accordance with the Guideline for Employers Paying Monthly Deposit to Housing Provident Fund (see Appendix). Staff shall do their best to tell applicants all necessary report materials and complete the application at one time. Management departments are required to either display Guideline content through scroll screen, or put up the Guideline at notable places (if not equipped with LED screen). Employers may inquire or download the Guideline at the official website of Management Center. (http://www.bjgjj.gov.cn/)
    3.Improve Staff Training
    All affiliated branches of the Management Center shall complete the training of their own staff, represented bank tellers as well as the 12329 hotline operators prior to April 25th. Those aforementioned people shall be conversant with the Guideline, and pass examination upon training.
    4.Effectively Publicize and Interpret Relevant Policies
    All affiliated branches of the Management Center shall redouble their efforts in providing policy interpretation and better services to employers and individuals paying housing provident fund. We will punish those who fail to organize training in time or master the Guideline as required. Any hiccup during the training shall be timely reported to the Management Center.
    5.Three Sub-Centers, namely, sub-center for authorities under the CPC Central Committee, sub-center for Central Government Departments and sub-center for Beijing Railway could abide by this circular. If other regulations provide otherwise, such laws and regulations shall prevail. 
    Appendix: Guideline for Employers Paying Monthly Deposit to Housing Provident Fund  
                                                                                                    Beijing Housing Provident Fund Management Center
                                                                                                                                    April 23rd, 2018

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